Ron Hakim

Attorney, Partner

Adv. Ron Hakim is a partner at the firm and heads the firm's insolvency and banking department.

Ron Hakim is considered one of Israel's most prominent and leading insolvency and banking lawyers.

For the past decade, Ron has taken a significant role in the most prominent cases in this field, whether as a court-appointed officer or as representative of creditors, with an emphasis on large and / or secured creditors.

Ron's deep knowledge of both sides of the insolvency process, both as an appointed officer and as a representative of principal creditors, provides Ron with a comprehensive view of the proceedings and a great deal of familiarity with the various parties' interests.

Ron has extensive experience in managing companies during their short recovery period as basis for their sale.

Thanks to his extensive experience, reputation and proven track record in corporate recovery, Ron is often appointed as office holder by the courts throughout the country, and alongside these appointments, also receives requests from prominent creditors to represent them in these proceedings.

Ron has achieved impressive and unprecedented success in the insolvency field, both in the recovery of companies and in asset realization, while maximizing the value for corporate creditors. Alongside his extraordinary achievements, Ron is credited with having fielded innovative laws that constitute a breakthrough in the insolvency area, and which are the result of his creative thinking and excellent persuasion skills. These numerous achievements have led to Ron’s high stature in the field.

In addition to his activity in insolvency, Ron also heads the firm's banking department, which deals with the representation of banks in legal proceedings, whether as plaintiffs or as defendants, and due to the efficiency of his work and its impressive achievements is highly appreciated by the firm's clients and by the legal instances before which he frequently appears.

Ron lectures frequently at conferences and professional training courses of the Israel Bar Association in his areas of expertise and is a member of the insolvency committee of the Israel Bar Association’s Haifa District Committee.

Ron also serves as an arbitrator in the Arbitration and Mediation Institute of the Israel Football Association.

Ron graduated with honors from the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya in 2002, interned with the firm and joined it as a lawyer after he was ordained in December 2003.  Ron was accepted as a partner in 2009.

Ron is available for meetings at both of the firm's offices in Haifa and Tel Aviv.

Additional positions:

Member of the Insolvency Committee of the Israel Bar Association.

Bachelor of Law (LL.B.) degree from the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya.
Member of the Israel Bar Association since 2003.
Hebrew , English.
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